We work in iterative cycles. The methodology we use is sprint and kanban. Our preferred sprint length is the industry-standard 2 weeks. Kanban refers to keeping tracks of small, accomplishable tasks by means of cards, and moving the cards through lanes. Our typical lanes are “todo”, “doing” and “done”, although this varies as the complexity grows. If the work is split by team function, this is reflected by the lanes. There can be additional lanes for “content”, “Q/A”, “graphics”, “marketing”, and “sales”. Our iterative cycle consists of the following steps:

Step 1:
Scope & Mockup

Step 5:
Benchmark & Pentest


Step 2:
Develop & Test

Step 4:
Monitor & Collect Feedback

Step 3:
Deploy & Automate


Step 1: Scope & Mockup

Step 2: Develop & Test

Step 3: Deploy & Automate

Step 4: Monitor & Collect Feedback

Step 5: Benchmark & Pentest

Kanban and spring planning help us split the work into accomplishable tasks. We would rather deliver early, than allow scope creep and deliver late. It is important to note that the work is iterative, as opposed to waterfall. After some scoping and mocking is done, and some software is built and deployed, and accepted, there is typically more scoping and more development. This relieves the stress on the shareholders, who aren’t required to specify the scope correctly at the onset of the project. In prototyping and delivering viable early-stage products, it is critical to keep the scope flexible, as it inevitably changes during the project run.

At the end of step 5, we are ready to sit with stakeholders to address the current needs and outline the next tasks, that go into the next sprint. Our preferred sprint length is the industry-standard 2 weeks.